Saturday, April 4, 2009

April 4, 26 more days to go

Thursday I rented a Rav4 to "test" drive this weekend because I wanted some real world experiance with the car that I was thinking about buying. Friday was Hubby's day and today was mine. And tomorrow I return the car at noon.

For me at least it's been a good experiance there were a few bumps though. The day started off good, I drove to SF, picked up my mail, and drove to Yellow Submarine and picked up sandwiches (I paralled parked very good with this car). And went to the beach and had an inprompt to picknick. There I liked that we could sit in the back and eat and still had enought head room for hubby's Mellon head. Then we decided to go to Cost-co and on the way there stupid drivers stopped for some reason for 30 seconds and I grabbed hubby's hand very hard. He didn't like that! After Cost-co we were driving home I crushed his forearm, because I saw a yellow light and I thought I wasn't going to make it. Now hubby's driving to lucky's.

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