Tuesday, June 23, 2009

11 days Post Pregnancy

It doesn't seem that long ago that we were just two people and now we are three. Let me tell you its been one hell of a journey. After 41 weeks 2 days of wanting the little bundle of joy out, its been a rocky road after. The first few days I worried about Jaundice and might have to admit her to the hospital, the next few days I worried about my life. I couldn't breath and at a week after giving birth, I had to be placed in the hospital for fluid in my lungs. the medication got out about 3 pounds of water weight and I don't have any more swollen limbs! I do have more energy when I have enough sleep. The new blog hopefully will get updated more and more each day at Bella Blog and I will place pictures and other items there as well!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Its a Girl!

Arabella Cecilia Hunterson was born emergency C-section at 3:52 am. Weighing in at 9 pounds 13 oz 20 inches long. I pushed for more than 4 1/2 hrs before the MD was thinking C-Section.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

8 cms at 8pm

Happy news at 8 they checked and I am 8 CM! Also my OB/GYN MD is on the floor and might be able to deliver me tonight if Bumpy cooperates. So I have something to look forward to if everything goes well.

Water Broke

My water broke! Wee felt like I wet myself. Nurse came in and tested the fluid. She came back in and said yes it was amniotic fluid. Woot!
[Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]

got the epidural

So around 4:30 I got the epi and now I'm druged up and feeling like my butt, legs and feet feel like they are asleep but I don't reallyfeel the pain like my first dose of pain killers.

4cm at 4pm

See title.

The pain boss, the pain

Around 1 pm an hour after hubby arrived, I started to have contractions. Small but sharp pain that hurt my head as well as my body. I walked a bit around the hospital floor to see if they were the start of the real deal and they were. At 12 they uped my dose of oxycotin to 15 which jumped started the cottactions I was slowly starting to have. About 2 I called the nurse in to tell her about the pain and how each "wave" I had effected my head as well. She said that she would tell the MD and the MD may check up on me as well. Another hour passed and the nurse assigned to me came back and started to ask me about the pain and if I wanted to have meds. I was like yes please. Because the pain effected my head, she thought I all ready had pain meds but I said no and she saw in my "chart" that indeed I had not requested anything yet. So she got some IV medication and it has been taking the edge off as I lay here in bed but not 100% as I can feel the peaks of the contractions but it's a tad bit easier on my head.

Induction started

As I said in my last post there was room in the hospital and I took it! At 12 checked in and in less than 5 hours was giving the same answers to the same questions. Then at 1:30 was checked and I was 2 CM dialited! By 2 my membrains were stripped and oxytocian was started. At 3 the nurse came by and asked me more questions and went to sleep. At 4ish woke up to some pain in my hip and got a red band saying I am alergic to milk. Then went back to sleep. Around 5 I woke up to tinkering and a migraine. I got some Tynole and went back to sleep and finally got a little consitant sleep till 7:30am. As it is around 8:10 am, Hubby has gone home for a few hours and to feed the cats. Just waiting for breakfast to arrive and watching some TV.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Update of the Update

Well there is now room in the inn (hospital) for me so I called and got a reservation for midnight and if I can come in sooner I can. Hubby is kinda taking a nap till 11:30pm or so, but as of now he's playing with the cats. So I can start the induction tonight which means by tomorrow or Friday (depending on the Bump) I should be a proud parent of a newborn and my own body (at least the bottom half)! More updates soon but need to get stuff ready to go.

7:45 out of L&D and Induction is tomorrow (?)

Joy, as I thought I had plenty of fluid around the baby and the baby passed with flying colors and so did my Non Stress Test. Hubby has been given the job of calling tomorrow morning since I am not going to call because calling 3 times to be told to call back each time played on my nerves. I did take a 41 week picture of my belly today before we went out to enjoy a day of playing phone tag with the L&D people before being told to "go home, everything looks perfect". MIL got to see the baby via ultra sound and she got to see the little hands that will be out and grasping her finger sometime in the next 24-48 hrs. I am now going to take a shower and try to put the day behind me. I am also 1 CM dilated which is a big improvement than the 0 CM I was last week. A big improvement yes, but not enough to keep me there for induction. GURRRR!

6:15pm in L&D

Actually in a room now but for how long, that is the question. They are going to do a Non Stress Test which the doctor failed to tell me about because it was a 100% if I made it this far I would be induced. Now it's looking like it's going to be tomrrow or Friday if Bumpy passes. Because the beds are full today even though I am in a room right now.

41 weeks pregnant

I am offically 41 weeks today and called KP twice today and each time "call back at..." and I keep thinking I am not going to have the baby today, or tomorrow. Damn my going to L&D Monday, maybe because of that they are going to hold off.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday 40w6d - One day till induction

Monday wasn't that good of a day. My feet turned purple and the biggest they have gotten for the entire pregnancy and started to feel a headache coming on (third time in a few days). And my hands were bad as well. So around 8pm I called L&D because I thought this was it and I have PreExclampsia, which is basically means that its bad for my heart and may kill my unborn child. I also though since my lower left side around my kidney area hurt, it was something not to take lightly as well. My out put was not matching my input of water. So they told me to come in and Hubby and I went off with the baby items to KP L&D. When we got there we had to go in the ER entrance which made me a tad upset because I couldn't walk into the main hospital because they close it down for the evenings and hubby had gone to park, not far away as I found out, I thought I was going to walk to the ER alone but Hubby parked a few seconds away so I caught up with him as I was walking to the ER entrance. Huffing up the hill I made it and was placed in one of the new wheelchairs they had and was promptly escorted to the L&D floor and was checked in. After changing, getting the wrist band, asked a bunch of questions about H1N1 and other items I was hooked up to the monitor and relaxed as the swishing of Bump's heart beat was going steady around the 140's. I got scared a few times when it either went up to 180's and the lowest was around 120's. Had to talk with bumpy about not going too low or going too high because it wouldn't make an impressive story to go into the baby book of how it was born. I got blood drawn and had to pee in a cup, but it was for the good of me and Bumpy so I lived through it. Hubby was trying to take cat naps off and on, but he found it really hard to get comfy but he said it was better than the stool he had the last time. Other than that I got a few naps here and there and was told at 2:30 am to call on Wednesday for my induction appointment. Signed the paper and went on my way. We got to the ER entrance and I remembered they never gave me my hospital card back, so we went back up to the L&D floor and had a nurse come to us and give the card back to me.
At around 3:30am finally got home and to save Hubby from getting up to feed the kitties in an hour I fed them their breakfast a bit early and then both of us went to sleep. Around 4:30 am the older cat Puma, started to bang around wanting hubby to get up, but since I had the most "sleep" under my eyes I decided to get up and move to the living room so hubby could sleep some more. That didn't work and hubby ended up asking me back to the bedroom and I passed out by then.
After we got up, we went out to eat breakfast and looked at the "Cube" which is a car made by Nissan. It actually was more roomy than either of us thought it would be. Hubby has been bitten by the new car bug as well because he wants to see what's out there and also he's been worried about some of the squeaks that the only car we have is making now. So I am going to put in my cents but I can not make the final decision for him. The final decision I need to make is what Toyota I want is. I have gotten it down to three. Vensa, Prius and the Rav4.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday - 40w5d - Two days till induction

The good thing about knowing is that by this weekend I will have a baby in my arms that is part me and my husband. The bad thing is that we will no longer have our selves to look after. To be totally honest its not a bad thing, but its scary to know that for the remainder of your life you will some way feel responsible for how some one else has turned out and not just your self any more. I guess since I haven't been all that busy with going to work and doing a lot of things around the house, I have had more time to think. And think, and think. I think hubby and I are just wanting to get this stage over with so that we can go forward with our lives as parents instead of being in a holding pattern and hoping for the best out come for the baby so we can hold it, love it and blog about every cute moment that most parents do now a days with their little ones.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sight Seeing at 40 weeks 4 days

Today we went out and sight saw today. Trying to get labor started so we walked around a bit the first stop was breakfast at Louie's by the Cliff house. I wasn't planing but I did get Hubby in this one this is actually my 3rd shot at the panoramic shots.

Then we went to Fort Baker to the pier by the Golden Gate Bridge. I had trouble trying to match up the picture but I am getting better. After that we went to North Beach in the city and enjoyed Italian French Bakery and Victoria Bakery to get a Cannloie (sorry about miss spelling). We also went to Baby's R Us and got the Tub and a few items that I thought we would be getting at this time but with the baby on the out side. I also got the Newborn to 1 yr picture frame so we can fill it in as the months go by.

Here is something fun we did in our bedroom. We got the Jungle Theme at Lullybye Lane and before we went out we stuck them on the wall to have some fun with our room.
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Belly pictures!

39 week Bump at my dad's house.

40 week Bump picture.
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Estimated Due Date to You Bumpy!

You still have time today to make it an official birthday or just a random number that the doctor came up with to be cruel to mommy and daddy. Now at 40 Weeks 0 days I hope everything is going well and we see your face soon! Because tomorrow we go to the doctors and talk induction! Because tomorrow you are offically over due by a day, but over due still.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Before midnight

Before midnight wanted to say that I have made it to 39 weeks 6days and tomorrow will be Bumpy's EDD birthday... if it comes out great, if it doesn't then eviction notice will be given on the 4th for June 9th or sooner. today I got out of my dads and went on a walk and hopefully that with another walk tomorrow will get the labor started... Come on Bumps!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

No Power at my dad's

At least at my dad's home till now 3:10pm! It started at 2:30pm and just ended. I was scared a little because my EDD is so close. I think I need to get a back up plan in place. And Soon.

It's June and still no end in site

There are some positive signs of baby coming, but as the world turns, its slow. This past weekend was a chill weekend as we are waiting for Hurricane baby. Sunday played 7 hrs of a video game that wasn't that good but it was a distraction from the cramping I was getting from my Uterus. Though it wasn't strong but it kept me from getting comfortable and really relaxing. Hubby fell asleep and helped me with the game as well when he woke up.

Then when we went to sleep, Hubby said tell me when one starts and it was between 7-10 minutes between them. I had some trouble getting to sleep but they did stop (or slow down) when I did actually get some sleep. When I woke up a few times during the night, they were slow and steady but nothing like Bloody Show or my water breaking. When I woke up this morning they were still there (and are still here now).

Hubby dropped me off in SF again today for the week and for Bump Watch '09. He's going to try to get the house more in order than what it is now. Its getting better but he would like it a bit cleaner before the baby comes than try and clean the home while a baby is screaming. I am almost tempted to spend some money and get a person to come and help clean the house and getting things in order.