It's Wednesday the middle of my home stay for the accident. I all ready spent Tuesday in the second bedroom watching 10 hrs of TV waiting for the phone to ring. I had to call the insurance company and they stated my car is a Total loss. :( So I need to depend on Hubby this week (which sucks because he's at work) for car transport. I need to call MD's nurse so that I can get an appointment for Physical Therapy and to see if my PCP can get an evaluation in so I can either be on short term disability or a note to return for work. I was thinking I can call a little later this morning as I don't think they are there right at this moment.
We are still looking at apartments, but the earliest we can move out is April 1, and it might take that long to move the stuff we have. On the down side is that we might have to stay in CA for one more year (March, 2010). It might help with the loan we have to pay off and with taxes but it still 6-8 more months than I wanted to spend. What do we do? It might be good for Bumpy because then I don't have to worry about MD's because I would still have benefits but if we move closer to work I go backwards for working at home. For them the move closer is no excuse for the expense for them to spend on me. I just need to get out of this apartment first I guess I can live in CA for the next year. It might be a good thing.
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