Sunday, February 1, 2009

Went Swiming Yesterday

Went swimming yesterday and I don't really like the tankni. Its good for playing in a pool or lounging next to one or even wadding in the shallow end. But it is not good for the swimmer that I am. Each time I tired to do a fast turn off the wall (Swimmers jargon) I felt the top push down and almost flashed like 20 or so kids. I even tried to tie the top tighter on the strings it still pushed down a bit too far. Damn me knowing how to be a stream lined swimmer. Bump (LBJ/ACDC) enjoyed it I think because it was a sleep for the 30 min. I was swimming. My whole body felt very sore but in the good sore like when you get a massage and its the day after. The only draw back is that I am going to have to go during the week because there might be an open lane with out the 30 kids and people that don't know lane etiquette like if one lane of the pool has slow people than go to the faster side. Call me a pool snob if you like but the rules are there if you go to the pool every day.

The other good thing is that I went to SIL home and we talked about BABY SHOWER! Woot! Hubby and I are going to go to Baby's R Us, Target and Lullybye Lane to register for the things we'll need at least in the beginning for the baby, next weekend, and maybe the weekend after that as well. Mostly I want to go to the stores to start them because they give you the cards for the Baby shower invites and some cool free stuff thanking u for coming and making the store more profitable. I will be placing the reg. places on the website so its a one click stop for all. Most of the items that I have found are going to be "online" only and so will not be placed on the reg till after I put a few in-store items on there. So give me until mid February to really look.

Friday Jan. 30th, Hubby felt the baby move and kick for the first time! In the last week or so I have felt it kicking and he hasn't because it wasn't too strong. But it was active Friday night and I asked if he wanted to feel it and he was like WOW! That is weird but awesome! Last night it kicked or elbowed the mug of tea I had in my hand, so I felt it and saw something move at the same time.


Another happy event is coming up. Hubby's Birthday!

-PS- Baby shower will hopefully be in May not in March. We talked to SIL when she was hopped up on meds so if she can get a venue in that month or I AM NOT having one till after the child has been born! No April showers. Not happy month for me. EVERY Thing seems to happen in that month that is BAD!

**Thinking Happy thoughts**

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