Thursday, October 16, 2008

First pictures of Bump!



Here they are folks the moment that you have all been waiting for the images of Bump. Bump and only one bump measured in about 6 weeks 5 days which is an estimated Due Date of between June 1 2009 to June 7Th 2009. Woot! Very happy. We did not get to hear the lub lub of the heart beat but we did see it and as uncomfortable as that ultra sound device is I still would have done it 5,000 more times to see that little beat of the heart. I wonder if my mother got to see me this early or because it was 1978 it was just wait till the 12 week when the Doppler was able to register it and then she got to know me by the heart beat.

Yes I know they aren't very clear but for a split instant I saw a clear image and I can't explain what the feeling of joy and wanting to see more of it's heart beat for a few minutes but the lady who did the U/S was busy measuring and fiddling with the probe that it was hard to say please keep it there for a second longer. I need to go to sleep soon so good night and sweet dreams!
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