Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dear Bumpy

Dear Bumpy,

As we both near the end of one journey and go into the next, I hope that you won't take life too seriously and enjoy every moment. Me and your dad love you so much and want the best for you, so here are a few guidelines to the rules:

1. Mom and Dad will make mistakes because we are not perfect. No one is including your self.
2. Grandma can not buy everything that Mom and Dad say "You can not have" because we want you to learn nothing comes easy, even though Grandma will spoil you. *
3. We always love you no matter how bad the situation you get your self into is. We might not bail you out of jail at midnight, but you can call us and we will come and get you in the morning. Hopefully you will have enough sense not to be in jail in the first place.
4. We love you for the person you are, not the person we want you to be. Even though we will try to guide you in the right direction some times you need to make your own path.

Hope those help along the way with the other rules and guidelines we set for you.

Love, Mom

*So will a bunch of other relatives! But don't abuse the privilege.

Yup still pregnant

I am still hoping for a June kid and it looks like Bumps will comply. I can probably get away with going in on May 31st (afternoon) and having the child at 12:01 June 1 since the rate of dilation per hour is at least 1 CM PH. And I need to get to 10 before they try and make me push.

Personal note: I didn't think I would get this far with the pregnancy. I guess because of earlier happenings with spotting and not feeling the kid kick a few times during the hot periods of time, and the car accident, I wondered if I would have a preemie and be in Mom-hood or trying to cope with a loss of a person that I would have never known. But I am looking at a belly that is very swollen and feeling the kicks and elbows that soon will come out and I can play piggie with and watch he/she grow up and smack the elbows on cornors of doors, just like mom and dad did because they were growing too fast.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Last day in SF till Sunday night/Monday morning

In 5hrs I should be relaxing with the kitties and Hubby as today is the end of the 5 day 4 night journey to SF that didn't end with me in the hospital but a few times this week it almost did. I hopefully get to see the weekend end and the start of the week with the baby in my arms.

Just an FYI when the baby does come I will be posting in a new location, with a direct link from this website, as it will no longer be a pregnancy journal entry but a Baby Story and as it will be sad for me to end this journey of being pregnant, it will be the beginning of a new journey of the baby in the outside world and I hope the next time I am pregnant I will have the same motives to document each day, or at least try to because I know I skipped some days in the beginning.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Want to go back home and sleep in a real bed

I might be just a negative Nelly right now because I haven't had a real good sleep in 4 nights. But its been a good thing that I am up here and get to spend some time with my dad. Yesterday, before the post I got to go and see my kitties and make them happy for a little while. But I know no person or animal is going to be happy until the baby is born. I am predicting that it will come out June 1. Hubby says its 4 days away as today is May 28th but who knows. Only Bumpy knows for sure. I bet there is a calendar some where in its head that has a big red circle with a date its chosen for its birthday but all I can do is hope its not too far in advance that I would feel miserable going past 40 weeks. I wasn't joking with the MD about Bump's induction date on June 5th because I just want to have a baby by then. No more air mattress in SF. I want my twin bed from up in the loft if I am going to stay here again.

I took a picture of my belly today at 39 weeks so it should be up Friday night. :)

Not the Real deal

So after I wrote the post and watched a few TV shows on Hulu (on-line place for TV shows) the subsided enough for me to try to go to bed again. So I got my pillows together and some blankets and hunkered in for the long night. I ended up sleeping till 7:30am (about when this post was started) to tell you all that I had no child last night or early this morning but I know what to feel for when it is the real deal. Now Bumpy is kicking and moving so I am glad about that and my ute is soft and I am still at Bump Watch '09 status. Sorry about the scare, but the waiting game sucks!

The doctor stated that the HB of Bumpy has gone down 10 bpm to 140 bpm but still in the very healthy range and as long as there is movement and its not below 125ish it will stay till its ready. I stated to her that if I am still pregnant by June 4th *the 40 week appointment* I would not hesitate to get induced by June 5th. That was my EDD for Bumpy. After last night I don't know if I am going to make it till June, but as I stated in the wee morning, My water didn't break so there really isn't any time crunch at the moment. But I am prepared!

Think I am having full contractions

They started around 10:30pm yesterday (wow kinda freaky since its Thursday all ready) around my tummy and in my back when I was trying to get comfortable and sleep a bit because I have an MD appointment at 10 am. they have been one right after another but now have some what stopped right now. Tried to lay on my side and they wouldn't stop, tried to drink water and it wouldn't stop. I am now on the couch wanting to go to sleep but I don't know if they will start again or am I better off awake? Bump is moving after all of the contractions so I am at least aware of that and hopefully I'll be in a better mood. May be its a warm up for what is to come or it could be the "real" thing but because I haven't timed it and the sack hasn't just broken I am in denial and maybe give birth at my pop's home. Wouldn't that be something.

I still haven't taken my 39th week picture.. I think I will do that when it gets more light outside and my dad is awake to take it either here or at the hospital. I haven't called Hubby yet so I think there is no rush at the moment. Maybe if this continues till dawn I'll give him a call.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

39 weeks down 1 week to go

Tried to compare my 38 week bump to the 39 week bump that I see in the mirror, but don't see a difference. Its hard to take the picture by myself even though there is a mirror in the bathroom. Got an MD appointment today so again will be check and told either go to the L&D floor for some reason or go home and sit and wait. Luckily this is the middle of the week and only two more days till the weekend! -More later about MD visit.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Moving towards 39 weeks

Tomorrow will mark 39 weeks 0 days. Maybe this is a good thing as MIL is coming sooner than expected and I will be able to spend the "last weekend" (hopefully) with Hubby alone before we become three. I miss the kitties and my bed. Sleeping on the floor on the air mattress wasn't good because there was no one snoring in my ear, no cat trying to take up the middle of the bed (I know its you Puma) and no cat to snuggle with in the middle of the day. I am so used to those things now, but its all for the best that I am here in SF. The baby being active is a good sign and can't ask for anything more. I hope I can survive the last few weeks of the pregnancy before I become the lady with the spork and try to "evict" Bumpy out my self. I have been telling it to come out if it needs more room but its happy in the small space, at least for now. I keep thinking June 9th as the last day that the doctor wants it in and I agree! So hopefully it makes the decision for its birthdate or June 9th or 10th is going to be its birthdate no matter what. :) Spent the day relaxing and talking with my dad. We did hang up the shower curtian and it actually looks pretty good! I know pictures are needed but will take picture soon and post it. Also the 39th week Bump picture will be on tomorrow or at least by Friday when I get to go home and be there for two nights before coming back up to SF again.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Offically in San Francisco

As of 7pm with my stuff put away for at least tonight, I have moved more into the final week(s) of my pregnancy with my dad. The day went as followed, woke up, ate breakfast, had some time playing with kitties, took the co-sleeper picture (below), washed and dried clothes, took a 2 hr nap, dried more clothes, packed the items that needed to be packed to go to SF. Almost looked like I was moving out of the house, then went to San Mateo for HH The Carvery and went to Safeway to pick up some items that were needed and then unpacked at my dads. Hubby helped me with setting up the wireless settings on my dad's router and now its wireless and I can chat with Hubby with video, hopefully tonight to say goodnight.


38 Week Belly! I thought 37 week belly was huge!

Car Seat in the car ready to go!

Co-Sleeper put together with a few addtions. I will take them out As soon as baby arrives, I promise!
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Sunday, May 24, 2009

False Alarm

Since the last post, AP contacted the hospital and was advised to wait. The leakage appears to have been a false alarm.

The scare did accelerate the assembly of the co-sleeper. It now sits assembled next to the bed with the canopy.

We headed out for a bit in the afternoon for gas in the car, fries and Zak's pizza, not necessarily in that order.

We will definitely keep everyone posted to the status of the pregnancy in these final days. See you all soon!

Leakage Watch '09

I don't want to throw any one in a panic and call us because I haven't confirmed with the nurses at KP but I don't know if I am leaking a little of the Amniotic fluid or a little more than usual discharge. To be on the safe side Hubby put together the Co-Sleeper and the cover and all the matrise pads have been washed and now in the drier to dry. Its not a sunny day so the air dry isn't going to help.

Like I said I am not in active labor nor has the leakage got too much worse (it might have stopped but I am keeping an eye on it. So starts Leakage Watch '09!


I think I have more of the pregnancy symptoms in the last week, week and a half than this whole pregnancy. My hands now look like they have Hot dogs attached and my feet are swollen and are sensitive as I walk just on carpet. The thing is, I have been drinking more water in the last two weeks to combat this but does my body listen NO.

I am 10 days from my due date, which is good and bad at this stage in the game because at 22 weeks when I was scared to death that I or the baby might not make it this far I gave it orders not to come out till June 3rd. I guess it listened and now I am struggling to hold my anticipation with each Braxton Hicks contraction (some feel more real to me then others now *good sign?*) that this one or the next could send me to the hospital. It doesn't help that the baby heart beat monitor that was bought 20+ weeks ago doesn't actually pick up anything besides my own sounds. See Hubby when I wanted the $115 Doppler to get accurate results you said $20 bucks is good enough and we will get it next time... Oh yes we will!

Hubby is sleeping and so are the cats. Bindi is snuggled on my lap with the blanket folded over her and Puma is next to his feet sleeping after waking hubby up at the usual time for breakfast. I am sitting in the half rearranged living room and its 75% clutter free. Most of it is Storage bound and baby items that are going to be moved in the bedroom once the day is done, proclaims hubby, but seeing that the baby's things are going to be like the cat toy's, all strewn around until it learns to pick up after it self. Unlike the cats who only pick up certain items.

Friday, May 22, 2009

PT and a very productive day

I had physical therapy at KP today and it was a race to get to the office on time. I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep and because Puma meowed I thought kitties weren't feed and to help hubby out I put the food bowls down and Puma started to snack and Bindi was mehh to the food. I then couldn't feel Bumpy move and I panicked because of the posts of the women that had to go to L&D because they didn't feel their baby move. I ate sugary donuts and walked around a bit then laid down on my left side and waited for the movement. And around 6:30am it came and I was so happy! Even though I want to see the little person inside of me super bad, I didn't want to get my blood pressure up and in a panic fly to the hospital and have an induction if all it needed was to wake up a little and kick me in the liver to let me know its ok.

So after the morning event, I stayed up a bit and watched some Internet TV and fell back asleep for a while. At 9:15ish am I woke Hubby again and stated we needed to go to PT. He was kinda groggy and stated wasn't it around 2? I was like nope. And we rushed out the door. With my Hospital bag and baby bag in tow. I am now taking my Hospital over night bag and the baby bag, with us when we go out now. I want to be prepared just in case we can't get back home in time. We got TO-GO breakfast because I let him sleep and got there with minutes to spare. Woohoo!

Then we went out to the beach and walked bare foot and put our toes in the water and got back to the car. Then we went to Giggle a place on Chestnut (baby store) and got a few books to start the Bump Library and a few organic oneises with side snaps, dapple soap for bottles and other baby related items (which didn't come with the Skip*Hop dry rack). And the new Belly Bar chews. I got the Citrus flavor but there was also Chocolate. Was in more of the Citrus flavor and they are pretty decent. I'm going to have to remember them for the next pregnancy.

After that we went to Lucca's and got a sandwich each and drove to Stowe Lake and sat in the car and ate and relaxed.

Then we went back home, making a quick stop at a new Trader Joes location. Then went home dropped the foods off and went to Lullaby Lane used the gift card that was given to Bumpy and got a few more burp cloths, two white and two green. Organic of course. We got the canopy (on sale) for Bumpy's co-sleeper, so the cat's can't jump in and sleep with baby. A wipe holder for Hubby and a pull Bear toy that plays "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" that is in SF Giants T-shirt.

After that a stop at Whole Foods to get a few items that I couldn't get any where else and I found the new Belly Bar shakes, got the Vanilla (also there was chocolate as well) and its pretty good. I wouldn't get it every time but wanted to try it.

After this we came home and resting. This weekend we are going to de-clutter and Hubby is going to rearrange the home and put together the Co-Sleeper! I probably will put the canopy on top so it won't be a shock to the cats when its actually in use.

As stated in previous posts, I'm going to SF on Monday night and might come down one night to house sit for the plumber to fix the water situation (that is going to be a happy day).

Took the 38 week Bump picture and will post it tomorrow so all can see that it might be getting bigger or not. I have given up hope that I will be able to take maternity pictures this pregnancy, but I am going to take one with the help of Hubby this weekend. Hopefully I can get some one to do what I want done with the photo as its post production anyways. Basically what I saw some one do was a baseball jersey that was in color but the rest was in black and white. I thought that was cool and want to replicate that, but with the SF Giants. Hubby says he can try to do it but I am keeping the original just in case something goes wrong.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Offical Gemini and then some

As it stands now if Bump was born it would be a Gemini like SIL. Not much to state in the Bump Watch '09. When I sit I have more BH contractions than when I am laying down. I have been washing clothes in prep for my week visit to my dad's and trying to motivate my self to pack. I keep thinking that some how I will deliver soon, but Bumpy doesn't want to budge. Like I've said in the past few weeks. Only the Bumpy knows when it wants to come out.

In March I did the Pledge thing for Gerber and thought "No way will I get the promo spoon for making a pledge" as you had to be the first 10,000 (or so) people to make a pledge. Well now 2 months later I get this little envelope from Gerber and its the promo spoon that I didn't have hopes of getting. It reminds me of my own, except it doesn't have a name and birthdate on the handle. I hope to get those once the little one decides on a date and a name. I will one day take a picture of them all and put it in the baby book and on the net.

I will be in San Francisco starting Monday night and will post the kinda after of the shower update.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Car Seat inspection

To be responsible and not get a ticket for having an unsafe installed car seat, Hubby and I want to get the car seat inspected. Would it be easy to get an appointment before Bumpy is born? Nope. I called most AAA departments, SFPD and the CHP inspection lines, left voice mails and even Hubby has called the AAA department by his work. First I call CHP and they will return the phone call with in the week. Then I see about AAA offices find one near Hubby's work. Hubby tells me that that AAA's VM is full and gets hung up on. At the same time call the in Daly City. The inspector states that they have an open inspections tomorrow. Great! only the hrs are 10-12 noon. ONLY. Hubby has to work and doesn't work that close to Daly City And the next appointment is Wednesday June 9th. The day of induction if Bumpy doesn't want to show on its Estimated Due Date week. Then I called SFPD and left a VM to the Car Seat inspection division *stated in their voice mail* then I get this random phone call from a number similar to the one I called and was told that the person on the other line did not know why I called his phone number. ARRRRGH!

Hubby is going to walk in the AAA office tomorrow but I'm not going to hold my breath about the inspection going well.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bumpy Update

From yesterday's appointment: Bumpy, LBJ, AC/DC Heart Beat is at 150 bpm and the measurement of my Tummy is at 39 weeks (actual: 37 weeks 5 days yesterday). And the doctor states that the baby is lower than the last appointment. I have had some regular Braxton Hicks contractions and feeling the baby's head try to engage, I still hope for a June baby but the baby might have a May date in mind, but of course not telling Mommy!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nesting and my dad's home

I can't really nest at my home because the moving of the furniture and boxes are not for a 37 week pregnant lady with a back problem. So I am going to do the next best thing. Upgrade my dad's home a little. I was thinking a new shower curtain and a new shower head, partly because I have to bend over to wash my hair but to give him something nice for himself as well. I can't give him a new house (just yet) so I can give him small updates like his computer until I can afford to buy him something out in the country or even a condo some where and a home to call his own.

BEFOREAfter will come a little later stay tuned!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another hot day with BIL to the rescue

Its another hot day in the home. Got a fan going and Hubby is at work doing OT and wanted to be done by now but "Show Stopper" caused him to stay and might stay late. So I have called in the in-law's so I can get out of "Dodge" so to speak but since my BIL runs on his own schedule I have to be in limbo so usually an hour is 1 and half or so unless you tell him a fake time to be on time. I can't really argue with the time schedule because he is basically my one ticket out of this place with out causing a mass hysteria that I walked to places in the hot weather. Even with a nice breeze out side.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Short post for a hot day

So on one of the hot days I boiled all the nipples for the bottles and pacifiers. 6 Bottles for 0+ 4 for 1 month+ and 8 pacifiers to satisfy any baby needs. The next task is to get the wonderful co-sleeper together. I took it out of the box today and because Hubby had to do OT this weekend it will probably stay not put together till I go up to SF and hubby is all alone to clear the house to the specs that he told me to make for him.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Not baby related

Here is the 1 yr cake that was provided to us by Victoria Bakery in SF it looks so yummy! I am glad I don't have Gestational Diabetes or this cake would be worth the MD yelling at me.
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Here is Belly

This is my 37 week 1 day belly. My belly button has now completely popped out and I keep telling Bumpy if it wants more space it will need to come out. It protests by kicking the under side of my belly and then does a jab in the crotch area. I have been lucky because I do not have stretch marks and hemorrhoids so hopefully I don't see any on the underside when the baby comes out, and hubby has been lying to me this whole time.
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Thursday, May 14, 2009

1st Wedding Anniversary and a Bun in the Oven

I feel sad. Its our first wedding anniversary tomorrow and I have no gift to give. MIL under cut me with the Mom gift she gave Hubby when she saw him last week. I know it wasn't intentional but I was stringing him along so that I could get it when I had access to a car. Which now is very rare occurrence. I am so glad that I was able to find the card that I bought last year (as a 0 day card which now came in very useful), but there really isn't a Hubby must have gift any more. I got his B-Day present 3 months late and when I talked to him about other things he might want, he states that they are delayed or too expensive right now and I should wait for X-Mas when I have more saved from working FT again. I know in my belly there is something baking that might or might not come out today or tomorrow or for 3 more weeks, that is more important than a manufactured item I could give him, but it was still a bit disappointing when MIL handed him what he has been asking for and then stated later that I could buy the runner up if something brakes on the item.

On another note BIL sent us a few nice shower gifts. The Baby monitor, Rock-a-bye Baby The Ramon's in lullaby form, and a sock lion from a shop up in OR. It was very nice of them and Hubby got to open the presents up this time. He even asked me if I wanted to unwrap something but I am in post shower over wrap so I let him do it, this time.

What would AC DC look like?

This is DC

This is AC

I think personally they look the same don't you?
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A long recap of 200+ days of the belly

In September of last year me and Hubby were TTC and just for the hell of it I POAS (EPT Digital) and it read Pregnant +. It was in the morning and I was getting ready for work and Hubby was fixing me breakfast. I ran to him and showed him. He was in a state of shock and stated that it could be a faulty one and we didn't do much celebrating till I got another pregnancy test and that was + as well, as it was the next day. The nickname that I felt the most comfortable with was Bump (onalog) because I didn't know if it was going to stick and I didn't want to get attached if it turned out to be a chemical pregnancy or miscarriage. But I was very happy and so was Hubby! I had to email my OB saying I didn't need the tests that she scheduled for me and scheduled a PN visit in October.

October was a heck month, I started to have morning sickness at 6 weeks 5 days, I think a day or two before the first appointment. I was worried/happy that I didn't have the Morning Sickness and then it came with a force. I saw the Single baby as it floated on the tether that is the umbilical cord in side of me. I never experienced a high like I did that day when I saw the little spot that would become an actual person in a few months. I wondered at this point if my mother felt the same way when she knew I existed in her womb. I couldn't ask because she passed away in 07. That was a sad moment of realization for me. Not only for me but my unborn child won't know and have a maternal grandmother. I have a wonder of extended family but a few blood relations that I have known off and on for all of my life. But as the saying goes on ward and forward! That is what I did, and Halloween Eve, three weeks later, there was a scare. I was spotting Brown blood and I know now that it was old blood but as a first time pregnant lady I was scared and went to the only KP Hospital in our area that had no L&D floor. It was not till we got there and waited 4+ hours in the waiting room and some hrs later till the MD state that they had no Ultra Sound to see if the baby's HB was still beating. Me and Hubby were like "WHAT?!?!" Luckily as the 9.5 week U/S showed a baby able and willing to stick by me.

November was the first of a few months with the "I only want to eat mashed potatoes". As the morning sickness hunkered in, like it was a bad house guest that over stays their welcome, I was only able to eat lunch and a few food items, luckily for me Miso soup was on the non-morning sickness list for the Bump as I was starting to show a tad at this point. At twelve weeks, it was Thanksgiving and I was giving thanks for at least a happy and so far healthy pregnancy as some of the first trimester people posted that they lost their June babies and new people posted that they were going to have July babies. I though of my self and my mother again as she would have been in the late June group with me 29 yrs ago (I did come a week late as as a baby my EDD was June 26, so July 3rd back in '79) as I am coming on my 30th birthday this year. We also told most of the family by the end of November and every one that was told was on cloud 9.

December came as a month that I was in the bouts of morning sickness day and night. My only light was to tell myself, or trick my self into thinking that Morning Sickness won't last for very much longer and as long as I was keeping some food down I was still feeding the growing bump inside of me. Though I was very tired and some what cranky at this point because the start of my second Trimester I didn't feel the blast of energy that most women feel and that I read about in books. I think it was because of the Morning Sickness but who knows. So Christmas came and I actually got to feel the first flutters of the baby. And my Hubby got to feel the punches and kicks as well.

January started off great. I was not throwing up as much. Every other day not every day. I got to see a more complete little one as the "Big" ultra sound took an hour of my time and as they were going down south I elected not to know if it was a boy baby or a girl baby. So she told me to look away and wrote it on the ultra sound picture and I have it but its in a sealed envelope till Bump comes out and then we can see if the Tech was correct. I kept reading on the posts that women were told that it was a girl and when they gave birth it was actually a boy. So I wasn't going to have that happen so I officially stayed "Team Green" to much of the disappointment of MIL and the rest of the family. By then they wanted to know names and me and hubby didn't want to change the names we decided on back in Aug. so we gave the initials out AC/DC (yes its a band, the electricity debate and a wacky coincidence) Hubby got to chose the Girl name (AC) I got to chose the Boy name (DC). Our names are connected with family and then some. We chose not to disclose them because of MIL's mother stated "What kind of name is that for a baby?!?" when MIL was deciding on names when Hubby was in her tummy.

February wasn't good at all. I was sick for the first two days due to the flu that was going around at work (Not the swine flu). Then I went to work on the 4th, rear ended and sandwiched between two trucks, I was stopped behind a truck turning left and another truck wasn't paying attention and hit me because "his brakes locked up" at 22 mph. I went to the ER again this time in a back brace and a cervical collar and wasn't seen for a while. My hubby got the call from the police on my phone and he said it was the scariest thing he had to deal with at that point in his life. I was 22 weeks and on the fetal monitor it showed only the HB and no contractions. I feared I was going to lose the baby at this point, but it wanted to be born and had fun with the nurses by playing hide and go seek (it would stay in one place and then it would move around for a few seconds then return to having it be monitored again). And I was out of work the next day (this time with an MD note). I went back to work the next week and I was out of work the following week. So for the rest of February I was in bed on OTC pain killers nothing too harsh though I took a few Class C pain killers to sleep on several nights. And moved into the third trimester.

March was Physical Therapy for my shoulder and back and stuck in an apartment that stank because the landlord "Fixed the potty" in Feb. and it was still broken and smelled like axle grease which never left the bathroom. So in Mid-March we moved to a one bedroom duplex (No upstairs and down stairs neighbors) 3 blocks from my work and shaved ten miles from Hubby's commute. Mostly it was to get out of the unsafe toxic zone that was the two bedroom place we were living in. I finally stopped throwing up around Mid-March. Mostly I wasn't in that apartment complex to make my head swim each day. I went back to work as well and I told the MD as she was asking if I was strong enough, it was better to go to work now or I would have had her write me out till I gave birth. For my sanity it was the best move at the time.

April, was making up and getting caught up on the work that was left to random people at work though it was simple when I left it. So having Pregnancy Brain, a thing in my tummy that was taking up space I needed to breath and eat, being stressed at work didn't make a good April. Though I never every liked April and the month has never liked me. I got through it and thanks to the little one it was made a little better.

May! The month that ushers in the 9th month of the baby and the less than 5 week wait for the birth! I am scared as I am 37 weeks+ because I have a lot of thoughts of what ifs and doubts that I will be closer to the child as I was never close to my mother. I know its a valid fear, but Hubby is stating that because its not in the back of my mind forgotten I won't turn into her. I hope he is right. I wish that I could see into the future and see a reality that is very hopeful but I can't and no one really can. It was also the month of my baby shower. As I have said before I got some awesome things that I will be using.

More to come but since this is a recap I hope you all read the days before to get a little more insight to what each day was about.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MD and Cats

Went to the MD this morning and she stated that after tomorrow Bumpy is green lighted to go at any time. Hubby states that Bumpy can not be born May 25th Star Wars day. He stated that we missed another Star Wars day May 4th. I asked why and he stated "May the 4th be with you". My head hurt at that point in time. Came back home and as the post below states did some washing of various baby clothes, blankets, burp cloths, Boppy cover, and the travel swaddle, and Boppy snuggler.

The cats were awake all day playing with their toys and only took a nap when I decided to go to the bed and chilled. I think they are keeping a close eye on me because I am close to delivery. I think they know the date but not telling.

Laundry Day!

I am sorry that this isn't perfect panoramic of the laundry that is hanging out side of my back door. I am using a new feature that the camera has so its going to take some time to learn to take it correctly.
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Monday, May 11, 2009

A trip down memory lane

Spent the day with MIL in Oakland and saw my old home and some new condos for Auntie. I ate some good ice cream as well. YUMMY! While that was happening I was getting a few BH contractions. Which are happening in more frequency than last week. I don't know if its just because its starting to be the end or my body trying to get the real ones started so I could have a May baby instead of a June baby. I want the June baby so I can have most of the summer to enjoy. Not that I wouldn't have the week or so off of work, just don't want it to mess up the plans I have in my head.

I go to the MD's tomorrow and maybe have my first internal exam to see if I am starting to progress towards the road to baby or will it be another week or the trickle of water and sharp pains that send me to the L&D floor. Who knows, but Wednesday I will be 37 weeks 0 days.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom's Day

Today is Mom's day and Mom's to be day as well! I actually got to get a mom's to be day card from hubby and an actual gift. Nothing says Mom's to be day like a Kitchen Aid Mixer. I laughed and cried when I saw Hubby bring it in from the back as he stated that I would not be surprised if he came walking through the front door with it. Its going to make some awesome food for us and the baby.

After that we went to get something to eat and Hubby's Mom came to pick us up for Brunch/Lunch. We gave her a Grandma's Brag book (Winnie the Pooh cover) and a much nicer frame with a teddy bear embossed on it. We gave her a Winnie the Pooh card as well. Then went to B-Game and walked around there a bit before eating some lunch and going to Target and Babies R Us to get some things not given to the baby at the shower. Bottles and some smaller items that we knew people would think other people would buy. At Target I got to shop with the buggy cart! The officer was like "Don't go over 40 mph" I laughed at that. And saved my lower half some pain and was able to walk around at BRU with out the sharp shooting pain from my back and lower half.

Came back and put away some of the items that were given and bought for the baby.

Again Thank You to all who came to the Shower yesterday! It was very nice and again more pictures to come from the shower tomorrow or Tuesday when I have a bit more time to take a few pictures and see if SIL could come over or I go over there to see her and her family.

Pictures (more to come)

Diaper cake made by SIL (AWESOME!)

Me actually wearing a dress! Also check out that belly (36 weeks 3 days)!

Hubby surprised that all the great friends and family that arrived actually on time!

Me packed in with the great gifts that we received. Thank you notes are on the way!

Not pictured but still to come are the wonderful oneise that people made for Bumpy to wear! Also more pictures if I can get a hold of my SIL's camera. There is one of Hubby and his "daddy utility belt" that every one thought was really cool!
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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Shower today!

Today was the day that I was "Showered" with love and attention... Actually as I explained to my dad, (it was his first shower in his life!) it was a Pre-Birthday party for Bumpy. I'm going to post some of the pictures on Monday as tomorrow is Mom's day and I will have those pictures to post as well.

In the morning I actually got the "Mommy hair cut" which made me feel happy because I got it washed and I can defiantly feel the difference that their water made my hair feel verses the water we have in the house.

It was fun! No smell the diaper :( but I can live. That was actually one game I was looking forward to playing. Games that were played: feel the bag of small stuffs, Guess the number of cotton balls, measure the belly (mine, not hubbies) and the if you say the naughty word you need give up the baby clip. My game was the guess the due date, due time and gender. I need to write it out here too so people can see their guesses as well. Other than that the food and the people were awesome! Couldn't ask for a better day and if a few more people showed it would have been the icing on the cake but there is other things in the world besides my baby shower.

Pictures coming soon!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Gramma and Cameras

Hubby's mom is in town for the baby shower which is tomorrow. Before that I was at home taking an unscheduled 3 hr nap. Thought I wouldn't feel tired due to the fact I actually got sleep but with the cats snuggling close I went to sleep. Then MIL came over and stated that we needed a maid for the place and I was like Sure we do, but Hubby keeps shooting the idea down. After 10 minutes in the home we went to Best Buy to find the camera that I wanted to buy, but it wasn't there and so we went to the next leg in the Journey to Redwood Shores/Belmont to see if the hotel was pet free, which it wasn't, then went to the other Best Buy close by and got the camera that I wanted for cheaper than expected because they are discontinuing the model, well at least Best Buy is because I guess it was too expensive for people. So now I actually have a camera and its not lost in the black hole that is my room in box form because I thought I had placed it to the side and put it in an accessible place but then again I forget things like that.

On a side note Hubby got from his mom the coffee press he has been drooling over so it leaves me with out any options for anniversary present :( for him. I guess I will just have to say here is some money for you and go spend it on something nice for yourself.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Due to cats and other pressing (Bumpy) issues I didn't get much sleep last night. Though it's been better that I am not stressed out from work, I am still trying my best to get the nesting done (I don't think it will occur until I can move again without baby). Went for a walk with the new stroller. Instead of baby there was a stuffed monkey looking at me. Yes I know it's weird but I didn't want to be a pregnant lady with nothing inthe stroller. It gave me some experiance that I wouldn't have know about and I could make mistakes with out it hurting bumpy.

I also mad a small video for Bumpy but until I edit it no one will see it. Promise it will make you all cry!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stayed home and slept

Am a stay at home cat now. Went to work to give them my MD note and took care of some small things like turn in my time card and try to unlock the web portal that is a window to the world at work.

Came home and stayed awake for a bit to look at a few websites and then took a 3 and half hour nap. It kept getting interrupted by the airplanes that fly above but it beats the apartment that I was staying in during my last home stay. So officially I am 36 weeks and yesterday was measuring at 37 and a half weeks with bumpy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo and staying home

Today is some what of a great day. I got to get out of work to an MD appointment where I was admonished by the doctor because of not seeing my med doctor (can't help that with no car BTW) got to see Bumpy in the head down position which I think it will stay for the last 4 weeks (36 weeks tomorrow!) again plus or minus depending on the attitude Bumpy takes. Heart beat very much beating away. Got my "get out of work disability" card as well. I went to the Medical claims area and they stated that I needed to go back to the MD to get the note that's required, so I filled out the forms and went back to the MD office. I was told to wait for a few minutes but it was turning into an hour. I finally got the note at 4:50pm and then went home with hubby. By the time we got home we were so sleepy that we are going to kick the kitties out tonight and see if we can get a better night sleep.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Braxton Hicks or just my back getting angry at me?

I think both. At work I can't sit very long and I am having trouble walking to and from the potty and the small cafe that has free soda. (Bonus in my opinion!) But it very much hurts and even though I went to be at 8:30 last night I feel like I am getting 4 hrs max sleep. Hubby stated that I tossed and turned through out the night when I woke up at 5 am when the alarm actually went off. Tomorrow I go to the OB and going to measure Bumpy to see the approx. size that it will be at the time of delivery. Again Estimated weight and length. I am thinking around 8 to 8.5 lbs and 20-22 inches long, by the looks of my belly.

I am hoping for the OB to say "you need to stop working. I'll write you a note". Yes it means solitary again but being able to take a break from sitting or standing is all good in my book.

Also I need to organize a bit before Cyclone Baby Shower and Bumpy arrive. I can't believe its this weekend. So long ago I was saying that it would never get here. But I guess at the time being hit by the Truck and having the If Bumpy survive question in my head made me a little doubtful I would get to this point with this belly! I don't need to ponder the if's any more, just the whens and hows.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Its one month till EDD

Yep its May 3rd and Bumpy is EDD June 3rd. Didn't do much just went to Berlingame Ave and ate Brunch at Burger Joint (very disappointing from the ones in the City) and then went to Costco for some food stocking up, as people tend to do as the baby gets closer to being due. I got hubby mad at me for wanting him to come to where I was in line and because it was crowded he got upset that he couldn't move because there were a lot of people cutting him off. It was resolved in the end but tears were shed and I feel bad about the whole situation. Then we went home and I am in bed and feeling TIRED!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May Showers to bring June Flowers (?)

Have no clue but its been rainy off and on today so that's helping me with my body heat and not getting too hot. This morning/after noon we went to Bridgepoint and ate brunch at Mimi's. My thoughts is that it's a place where you take your grandmother to and have some family time.

Then we went to the Hallmark store and bought the thank you cards for the shower. They are going to be shipped here so I don't have to go there on a Saturday when I could pop at any time. Also I was looking at a birth announcement that was really simple and had the Pooh theme with a picture window so when the baby is born we could make prints and send them a picture with the announcements. Also since the envelopes can be lined, so I got the idea of lining them in the color of either gender when Bumpy (LBJ) comes out. Something of a small but nice touch in my opinion and I bought a Mom and Baby angel. I couldn't buy the pregnancy angel because Bumpy is almost done baking and when we went there the last few times they were all sold out :( So I was allowed to buy the Mom and Baby angel as it fit the next stage in my life. I am going to get the pregnancy one for the next time. I think Hubby is thinking I will forget it. HA No chance!

After that we walked to Target and got some items for the house. I got a new pillow for the night time. Extra firm, I wonder how long that will last.

Rounded back to SF and got our one year 6" cake order from Victoria bakery. YUMMY! The lady there stated that Bumpy was looking like a boy. I feel bad that I haven't put any pictures up of the progression of Bumpy. :( I will at least have the shower pictures and more things than just words on here, I promise!

Then went to Lucas on 22nd st and got some treats for me, hubby and Bumpy. Another YUMMY! I think we stocked up good and plenty for the few weeks that I have left to be pregnant. I don't know if the food will last past that but it will be enjoyed for the time its here.

Came back home but stopped to get Adult cat food for Bindi. She's turning 1 yr old this month so we are in transition kibble mode for her. I am a bit sad because she's not tiny and kitten like any more. I am going to take it probably harder when Bumpy gets older.

I am going to get a talking to tomorrow because I haven't told them about my MD appointment yet and its Tuesday. And I don't think I am going to make up the time if I get the MD to sign off on Disability so I may have to use the PTO I have left. A whole 1.5.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Its MAY!

WOOT! I am not going to make a huge deal as I did spend the day at work and had OT (voluntary but still OT) today. I got a bit more educated on the maternity leave today and its due able that I can stay out for a little longer than I expected. I was very uncomfortable when I was sitting at work because my back started to seize up and was getting over heated just by doing work with a fan and the AC blowing. So I think its my last few days there at work. :( But bright side is that I get to relax at home and ponder the baby items and to make sure that I get rest when I need it and not when I get off of work.