Monday, May 25, 2009

Offically in San Francisco

As of 7pm with my stuff put away for at least tonight, I have moved more into the final week(s) of my pregnancy with my dad. The day went as followed, woke up, ate breakfast, had some time playing with kitties, took the co-sleeper picture (below), washed and dried clothes, took a 2 hr nap, dried more clothes, packed the items that needed to be packed to go to SF. Almost looked like I was moving out of the house, then went to San Mateo for HH The Carvery and went to Safeway to pick up some items that were needed and then unpacked at my dads. Hubby helped me with setting up the wireless settings on my dad's router and now its wireless and I can chat with Hubby with video, hopefully tonight to say goodnight.

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