Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yup still pregnant

I am still hoping for a June kid and it looks like Bumps will comply. I can probably get away with going in on May 31st (afternoon) and having the child at 12:01 June 1 since the rate of dilation per hour is at least 1 CM PH. And I need to get to 10 before they try and make me push.

Personal note: I didn't think I would get this far with the pregnancy. I guess because of earlier happenings with spotting and not feeling the kid kick a few times during the hot periods of time, and the car accident, I wondered if I would have a preemie and be in Mom-hood or trying to cope with a loss of a person that I would have never known. But I am looking at a belly that is very swollen and feeling the kicks and elbows that soon will come out and I can play piggie with and watch he/she grow up and smack the elbows on cornors of doors, just like mom and dad did because they were growing too fast.

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