Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not the Real deal

So after I wrote the post and watched a few TV shows on Hulu (on-line place for TV shows) the subsided enough for me to try to go to bed again. So I got my pillows together and some blankets and hunkered in for the long night. I ended up sleeping till 7:30am (about when this post was started) to tell you all that I had no child last night or early this morning but I know what to feel for when it is the real deal. Now Bumpy is kicking and moving so I am glad about that and my ute is soft and I am still at Bump Watch '09 status. Sorry about the scare, but the waiting game sucks!

The doctor stated that the HB of Bumpy has gone down 10 bpm to 140 bpm but still in the very healthy range and as long as there is movement and its not below 125ish it will stay till its ready. I stated to her that if I am still pregnant by June 4th *the 40 week appointment* I would not hesitate to get induced by June 5th. That was my EDD for Bumpy. After last night I don't know if I am going to make it till June, but as I stated in the wee morning, My water didn't break so there really isn't any time crunch at the moment. But I am prepared!

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