Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27, 3 more days to go

Stayed home today from work due to my crotch hurting. Its normal due to the baby is heavy and getting big in there and finding a nice place to rest its head. The advice nurse at L&D stated it was Round Ligament Pain but it was 6 in the morning and as I kept telling her it was in my crotch. "Take Tylenol and if that doesn't help then call back." The Tylenol did help but as I was in bed for most of the day I just took it one pain at a time. I also had another migraine as the morning dawned.

Packages arrived today as well. Hubby got pants, I got an Egg and Sperm from ThinkGeek and a few presents for the baby that won't be opened till the baby shower. Thanks R&K and Auntie (again). I need to order thank you cards as the gifts come in!

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