Friday, March 13, 2009

Can go back to work!

Saw PCP MD today and got the yellow light to go back. Still not 100% more like 75-80% but I keep hearing the music play that I won't be back into fighting shape until after Bumpy is born. I also gained 5 lbs from 200lbs to 205.0(which is more like 3 lbs don't trust KP Scales as much I need to have my own), but I need another weigh in because of TMI (To Much Information) and I don't think its all baby. I have been on a "I am hungry binge" for the last week. I think bump is growing! I have the get out of work if I need it card as well so if I go back and find that I am having troubles I can call PCP and she will see what she can do.

As I have stated Bump has been very active, but no kick counters yet for me. I think its more active at night when I am trying to get comfy to sleep. For the past two days it has let hubby's hand feel the power of the kick or punch (no U/S to see where the direction of the head is) at night before he collapses into deep sleep.

I would like Gerber to approve the Pledges I made yesterday on their site but I guess there are so many mom's out there that are making these it is taking them a while.

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