Sunday, March 29, 2009

Had a confession yesterday

The confession that I stated in the car to hubby while he was driving yesterday was that when we went to the hospital Friday night, I had hoped it would be that Bumpy would need to be delivered sooner rather than in its 37-40 week period. I know its horrible to speak like that, but with the car accident and my baby body its getting to me. I know from a logical point of view that its best for the baby to be in there as long as possible but with my right side hurting every day and I can't just get better with in a few weeks of the accident and the MD being honest with me, which is good (?) about the recovery time. I thought no problem, but as I am hurting every day with the Tylenol and exercises and the use of the arm, I guess I am over being happy about most things right now.

I even asked if we could go to Babies R US and that didn't even cheer me up because I realized I forgot to put a simple changing pad on my registry. So when I got home I updated a little on my BRU reg and was kind of sadden at the fact that its been almost 2 months since its been up and no one has checked anything off. I know the Shower isn't till May and people have yet to either buy things because its too soon or they don't want it to clutter their homes with boxes (I should know about that one), but its hard when reading posts (blame baby boards) when people are due in Aug. state that some of their reg items are all ready bought. I am not blaming any one, as its too soon, like I said before, but at least a little glimmer of who bought something would be exciting.

I'll end the post with a funny story from last night. I was waiting for my sleeping pants as hubby had washed them earlier in the day for clean cloths, and I was waiting for them in bed. So half dressed for bed, had not yet brushed my teeth, fell into a very deep sleep because I was comfy. I wake up about 12:30am (the alarm clock is on the dresser away from the bed) and realized that I wasn't all dressed and I had still needed to brush my teeth. So I walked in to the potty, dazed because I was still sleepy, tried to brush my teeth with the light from the night light, had to rinse with stinky water from the tap, and went on an exploration to find my sleeping pants. I went to the little laundry room and turned on the out side light (don't know why, I just did) looked out to the line (nothing), looked in the small dryer (nothing), grooped around feeling wet clothes, not there either. Came back to the bedroom felt around the dressers, nothing that felt like pants on them, and then I felt at the foot of the bed, nothing but my passed out 10 1/2 month kitten passed completely out. She didn't move even when I pet her. So I went back to bed and after a few minutes I got back comfy again and went to sleep.

I didn't find out till this morning, that hubby tried to wake me up, when attempts failed, he placed the sleepy pants by the foot of the bed so when I did wake up they would be there. Before he went to bed Bindi had jumped up on the pants and because it was still dryer warm, she fell asleep on them and passed out. So when I got up they were right where Hubby had left them and now the sleepy pants are on me keeping my legs warm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think people are waiting to give you time to get settled in to your new apartment and also they are waiting to receive the shower invitations.

Pass on the invitee list to your MIL and I expect the packages will start coming in.